Miss Unfiltered

7 Quotes on Happiness for every Woman leader! 

Leadership books and self-help books have the perfect template for efficient leaders engaging them to go on that inspirational journey. But what we found something consistent and to an extent disturbing – the templates mostly are for men because people are too busy labeling women as “Too emotional”.

We believe every role comes with emotion and must be expressed including leaders. In order to be effective, leaders must perform emotional labor. It is sad that leaders who express their emotions are often made fun of by asking to refrain from showing feminine emotions. It is like if you show emotions, you are unfit to be a good leader. So far, the burden has always been on women to be aware of their emotional bandwidth, but collaborative efforts need to be made in order to ‘normalize’ healthy emotional outbursts and taking decisions with emotions in mind.

We have put together seven quotes that will keep you going despite the biases in society keep you empowered and most importantly HAPPY!

It is never too late to start your journey! Age is just a number! Your calling is never bound by a number. When you get the opportunity, grab it with both hands and push forward. A good opportunity at the workplace even at your late age means you were seen fit for the role. Don’t be bogged down if your team is way younger than you.

Being Selfish for your own happiness is not bad. If your instincts at work point you toward certain things which not everyone agrees with, do not bother. Just go with it and learn!

An important message- comfort zone puts you in a chain. Break free from the shackles and get into a new zone for life is all about changes.

Set goals for yourself, work towards them, and when you get there, it will be the happiest space for you!

Follow your own lead; don’t be a follower. Become the one who carves their own path even if the other at your workplace and society opposes it. If you are right, do not think twice before venturing there.

Every contribution contributes to the workspace. Don’t fret in revealing it.

This is super obvious, ain’t it?

This should do the trick!

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